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Here you can read the complete job descriptions for all open positions. If there are no jobs posted below, feel free to follow the below steps to submit your application and resume to be considered for future positions.
Qualified candidates must possess a positive attitude, and problem solving skills. Previous brewery experience preferred but not required. Other requirements are as follows:
*We are an Equal Opportunity Employer*
Qualified candidates must possess a clean driving record and be willing to and enjoy working early hours and lifting cases and kegs of beer. Ability to lift and carry up to 150lbs is a must. Qualified candidates must have strong time management skills and be able to maintain themselves in a professional manner at all times. Interest and ability to grow with the company is preferred.
Qualified candidates must possess a positive attitude, exemplary customer service skills, and problem solving skills. Previous serving experience preferred but not required. Other requirements are as follows:
*We are an Equal Opportunity Employer*
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